Create Account

*All the requested fields(*) should be completed.

    • User ID (E-mail) *

    • * Please enter a valid e-mail address, which will serve as your ID as well as the contact point.

    • Password *

    • Password must be 6-16 characters and include both numbers and letters.
    • Confirm password *

    • Please re-enter your password for verification.

Personal Information

*All the requested fields(*) should be completed.

    • Name *

    • Country *

    • Professional Status /Title*

    • Affiliation *

    • Ex. 000 Hospital, 000 Institute, 000 University
    • Gender *

    • Department

    • Address

    • City

    • License No

    • Mobile No *

    • +
      Ex. +82-10-1234-5678

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

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  • Collection and Use of Personal Information
  • The AOGIN 2024 Secretariat respects your privacy rights and is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those specified in this document or disclose it to a third party without the consent of the registrant.
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  • Items of personal information collected.
  • Name, Country, Professional Status/Title, Affiliation, Gender, Department, Address, Mobile phone number, E-mail address, etc.
  • ·
  • Purpose of Collection and Use of Collected Information
  • - To manage registrants
  • -To contact and deliver information regarding the congress
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  • Duration of Retention and Use of Information
  • The collected information is retained from the date of initial membership registration until the purpose of collection and use is achieved. And after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the personal information is destroyed without delay. However, some information is retained for special reasons such as the following.
  • -To manage registrants: 90 days after the congress ends.
  • To provide further information related to the conference: 1 year after the congress ends.
  • ·
  • Consignment of personal information processing
  • - AOGIN 2024 is hosted by The Korea Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology(KSOG) and Asia Oceania Research of Genital Infection and Neoplasia(AOGIN) and operated by AIM KOREA as the secretariat of the AOGIN 2024. We may outsource your information for preparing the congress.
  • ·
  • Department responsible for privacy protection and customer service
  • AOGIN 2024 Secretariat E. | T. +82-2-3452-1855